
Monday, January 21, 2013

Comic book character Bumblebee inspired makeup look


I love comic book superheros so I decided to do a makeup look on DC's comic book character Bumblebee aka Karen Beecher-Duncan. I love everything about this picture,  from the contrast of  the colors yellow and black ..... the strength she represents and the fact that she's a sista! 

I looked a little tired in my pics with my wild eyebrow (odd and unique brow)....I did this so late at night lol. Anyway I put my own odd girl twist to create this look. Hope you enjoy!Want to know what I used to create this look? Or where I purchased the products..... Hit me up!

WARNING: Picture Heavy!!!


Friday, January 11, 2013

Django Unchained from The Odd Black Girls perspective

This my good people was my eager Facebook status update on Djano Unchained on the drive home from the movie (I was in the passenger seat!No texting and driving okay!):

Disclaimer :I'm not here to dissect the whole film but to simply express MY thoughts and views. What instantly comes to my mind. No essay here! I am not a movie critic nor a historian. Oh and I realized I spelled Tarantino's name incorrectly in my Facebook Stat lol.

I had no interest in seeing this film at first whatsoever. But I gave in! To the controversy that is.

Let's be honest folks, this movie is clearly is not for everyone. While I sat in the movie theatre I saw at least one interracial couple and a black couple walk out in the middle of film mumbling "I can't watch this". Using swear words of course.

Maybe it was the flat out use of the N-word, the shackles on whipped scarred black men , the crude humor and characters, the pitiful run down looking black folks, the unusual random humor about KKK head sheets.... just to name a few. Roots on steroids maybe? Just maybe? Where is Levar Burton?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The lips have it: High End vs Drugstore

Anyone that knows me know I love a bold lip color. When you don't have time for full out face of makeup a striking lip color can a strong statement. That's how you turn heads honey! Trust me! Not to mention a confidence booster!

 Plus it's about being frugal. You can purchase similar shades without dishing out serious duckets. The quality of the lipsticks/lip glosses can vary. Remember:price doesn't always matter. There are cheap lipsticks that have lasting power.

Here are a list of my current  favorite lipsticks/lip glosses. You don't always have to purchase a bunch lipsticks like me (I can be a makeup hoarder and yes I need help)

MAC Rebel Lipstick
Can be purchased at a MAC Cosmetics,, Macy stores,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Movie nerd obsessions: First Edition

I'm the type of girl when I really like something I am totally into it wholeheartedly. Here is a collection of few movies and such that I have been obsessed with since I was young. Mind you like I said it is just a snippet. And there will definitely be more in future post lol.

Lets just say I'm in love with the Wiz Musical.The funky version of the Wizard of Oz....and yes I have the soundtrack, the movie, and the vocal sheet music.. I have all the songs memorized and can quote the movie as if I wrote the script  and lyrics myself. (No lie) c'mon Michael Jackson, Diana Ross and the beautiful Lena Horne to name a few.....just spells out the ultimate Dream Cast in my eyes.